Example WikiWebServer classes.
Simple Examples:
- HelloWorld - Returning plain Hello World text [source]
- HelloWorldPage - Generating a Hello World page by extending TemplatedPage [source]
- HelloWorldSpeech - Audio version of Hello World [source]
- Notepad - Storing text in the persistent store [source]
- PersistentData - Storing more data in the persistent store [source]
- Primes - Generating prime numbers [source]
- ProtectedPage - Protecting a page from guest access [source]
- VelocityEnforcementTestPage - Controlling the rate at which requests for a page are served. [source]
Image Generation:
- Example - Simple example of how to draw graphics elements [source]
- CacheableExample - Simple example made cacheable [source]
- Email - Generating a bot proof email image [source]
- Counter - Generating and returning a stored hit count [source]
- CAPTCHAImage - CAPTCHA Image for detecting humans [source]
- Pie - Generating and returning a pie chart [source]
- LineGraph - Generating and returning a labeled line graph [source]
- Fractal - Generating and returning a Mandlebrot fractal image [source]
- Plasma - Generating and returning a Plasma image [source]
- SVGExample - Extends the simple example and uses Apache batik to output SVG [source]
- PDFExample - Extends the simple example and uses iText to output PDF [source]
- ThreeDimensionalTestPage - Displays a three dimensional test applet on a page. [source]
- ViewRequestHeaders - Read and display request headers sent from browser [source]
- TestRequestProcessing - Send an HTTP request to WikiWebServer and view response headers [source]
- UploadPage - Upload files to user directory [source]
- SiteScraperPage - Retrieve and apply regular expression to external page [source]
- HTTPPoster - Sending and reading remote requests [source]
- SECPayRawAPITest - Construction of Raw SOAP and XMLRPC requests for SECPay API integration [source]
- XSSToolkit - Toolkit for testing cross site scripting [source]
Displaying Live Data:
- AJAXUpdate - Keeping a page element up to date by AJAX [source]
- PushUpdate - Keeping a page element up to date by server side push [source]
Processing Data:
- LiveFormTest - Live server-side validation of form data using Ajax [source]
- Base64EncoderPage - Base64 encoder and decoder [source]
- URLEncoderPage - URL encoder and decoder [source]
- HTMLEntityEncoderPage - HTML entity encoder and decoder [source]
- QuoteEncoderPage - Quote encoder and decoder for quoted fields [source]
- EncryptionPage - Encrypts and decrypts plain text [source]
- LineCount - Counts number of lines of Java source code [source]
- ViewProperties - Display system properties [source]
- IPToCountryLookup - Lookup an IP address to find the country it is assigned to [source]
- Status - View WikiWebServer status and statistics [source]
- ThreadStatus - View status and stack trace of executing threads [source]
- ManagementTools - Server management options [source]
- LogViewer - View logs maintained by WikiWebServer [source]
Advanced Examples:
- ImageGallery - Image gallery for displaying and navigating folders of images [source]
- FractalGallery - Generating and present dynamic images [source]
- Mobiliser - Connects to external pages and reformats them for mobile devices [source]
- TextToSpeech - Converts passages of text into audible speech [source]